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Friday 28 June 2013

That feeling inside...

Ah the bi-annual eye test...not quite as horrendous as the tri-annual smear test, but a close second...

I always thought that there was something slightly uncomfortable about having someone with a small gadget look into your eyes, in a darkened room and a tiny light....

Hang on - strike has its merits on occasion, if the lights are dimmed and there is some good music and a shag pile rug.

Alas I digress as always; So we go through the rigmarole of left eye/right eye, test after far so good. My eyes are healthy he informs me, I feel pride...well done boys.

"However," he says, "you have a stigma..." and he starts to explain what this means...I haven't written the explanation for you, because quite frankly I can't remember.
"A stigma?" I ask horrified.
"Yes," he says "It is nothing to worry about, you will have had it since birth. It's a defect but nothing to be concerned about."
I am a little aggrieved, "Do you mean?" I ask with mock horror, "That I am not perfect?"
He laughs. "It really isn't anything to worry about." He says reassuring me.

"Now you do need a new prescription, and we can do that today." Apparently, I am long sighted...who knew? Pity I am not able to do that right into the future, eh?
" to ask a silly question, but does wearing glasses only support the problem or does it correct it?"
He shakes his head, "No, your eyes will eventually get worse and you will need reading glasses all the time, but for now, just for prolonged work."
Again I am mortified...the year of forty one can't start like this surely?
"So, not only am I less than perfect...I am deteriorating too?"
He smiles and then shrugs...Yeah basically...

So I choose some new glasses...I am bit uncomfortable about this, because even though it is necessary I still want to look good, right? The right secretarial image can have its merits I hear...

The assistant is very helpful and she gives me some to try on...I have to trust her right, she has done this before.
"No cheap ones with Prada on the side then?" I ask her.
She shakes her head, "No sorry...but I have a good permanent marker pen you could use."

Reluctantly I choose a pair, though to be honest I wish I'd asked the assistant to take a photo of me because I want Pootle here to help me with this bit. I have no idea what would make me look intelligent, as after all a little bit of help there does no harm, and I have no desire to look like Alan Carr as Pootle says to me later...

So with glasses ordered I walk back to the car.
However, as I am walking a man walks past me and makes this kind of noise, like a cough but more suggestive.
My initial thought was, 'you need Vicks for that mate', however there was something that made me look back over my shoulder and there he was looking straight back...and he winked.

So of course being the brave, independent woman that I am...I immediately looked straight ahead again and quickened my pace back to the car...but as I do, he whistles.

Really? Now I have never, ever had a stranger whistle at me apart from once when I was doing something cheeky in my youth, and it was then followed by an 'Oy you, what are you doing?' Or something similar...

So this was new...I relayed the story to Pootle when I saw her later.
"That's because you are oozing.." She informs me matter of factly.
I look at her with a disgusted face. "That sounds revolting and not worthy of any whistle." I reply.
"Not at all, you are happy. Things are making you happy, so you ooze happiness, which makes you attractive."
Okay. Actually she is right. There are lots of things right now that are happening that have made me smile, so yes happiness gives you confidence.
"You should have followed him." She says.
"Not if your theory is correct," I say. "Because one of the many reasons I am happy, is that there is potentially something happening that means I don't have to follow him." was a nice confidence boost. I did walk back to the car a little bit taller and a lot more flattered.

So if you see someone today, or indeed at all that deserves a whistle and a wink, then do it. You never know just how much they may need that little boost of self coincide with the good feeling inside...

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